Risch’s Silence on Ukraine Betrayal Raises Concerns

U.S. Sen. Jim Risch has long been a strong supporter of Ukraine, but his silence on President Donald Trump’s betrayal of the country is alarming. During the Munich Security Conference, Risch urged Trump to implement the REPO Act, which would seize Russian assets frozen under sanctions and use them to fund the Ukrainian war effort.

However, Trump opted for “peace talks” with Russia without Ukraine at the table, falsely accused Ukraine of starting the war, and misrepresented President Zelensky as a dictator. Risch’s lack of response to these developments is telling, particularly given his position as chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

This silence has raised concerns among Ukraine supporters in Congress, including Risch’s GOP colleagues. Last time, Republicans made concessions on policies they opposed in exchange for looking the other way on Trump’s lies and mismanagement. However, it appears that this bargain has changed, with the White House exerting pressure to get members of Congress in line.

The Constitution envisions Congress as an independent branch that checks the executive, but Risch’s silence suggests he may be losing his backbone. As Putin grows more confident, Risch’s inaction could embolden Russia and undermine America’s credibility on the international stage.

Despite the gravity of this situation, Risch has not commented on Trump’s actions or expressed support for Ukraine. His silence raises questions about the motivations behind his behavior and whether he is willing to stand up for American values and principles.

Source: https://www.idahostatesman.com/opinion/editorials/article300669159.html