Sandra Bullock Warns Family Safety Amid Social Media Scams

Actress Sandra Bullock is sounding the alarm about scammers impersonating her on social media, fearing for her family’s safety. Despite never having a social media account herself, Bullock’s image has been used by fake accounts created for financial gain or to scam innocent people.

Bullock expressed her concern in a statement, saying she prioritizes her family’s well-being and will address the issue when law enforcement is ready to handle it. She warned fans that any accounts pretending to be her are fake and have been set up to exploit people around her.

This incident comes after Bullock’s younger sister Gesine spoke out about scammers impersonating her on Facebook, leading to people being scammed online. The two sisters are now working together to ensure their families feel safe from these scams.

Bullock adopted two children, Louis and Laila, in 2022, stating she wants to focus on being present for them after stepping away from acting projects that take her away from her family.
