Santa Monica College Unveils Plan for Major Campus Renovation

Santa Monica College (SMC) has announced plans to remodel its Main Campus on Pico Boulevard, despite the downsizing in square footage due to demolition of existing buildings. The proposed plan includes a 76,000 sq ft Pico 1 building and a nearly 100,000 sq ft Pico 2 building, replacing Drescher Hall and the Business Building.

The new campus design aims to create an environment of discovery, innovation, and learning, with a focus on modern facilities. The proposed buildings will house various programs such as English, Communication and Media Studies, Photography, Fashion, Accounting, Cosmetology, as well as student-focused spaces like clubs and the Veterans Resource Center.

Demolition plans include outdated buildings like Cayton Center for student health and activities. The new Student Union building will feature updated dining vendors, a right-sized bookstore, health and wellness offices, and a maker space. The project is expected to bring together scattered tutoring resources into a centralized Learning Resource Center.

Funding for the plan comes from multiple sources, including Measure V funds ($345 million) and Measure SMC (an authorization of $375 million). State funding has also been submitted for the proposed Pico classroom buildings.

Construction is expected to begin in 2024 and be completed by 2035, with the first phase focused on building the new Pico 1 and Pico 2 buildings, as well as the Police Headquarters. The project aims to transform the campus edge and meet future program needs.
