Scientists Detect Mysterious ‘Beryllium-10 Blip’ Beneath Pacific Ocean

A team of scientists from Germany has made an astonishing discovery deep beneath the Pacific Ocean, detecting a sudden surge in the radioactive isotope Beryllium-10 around 9-12 million years ago. The finding suggests that this anomaly could be present throughout the Pacific and potentially worldwide.

The researchers analyzed thin layers of seafloor crust in the Central and Northern Pacific oceans and found a significant increase in beryllium-10 levels between 10-11.8 million years ago. This discovery has sparked excitement among scientists, who believe it may provide valuable insights into past ocean currents and potential cosmic events.

Beryllium-10 is produced by cosmic rays interacting with Earth’s atmosphere and can be used to date ancient crusts. The team’s findings indicate that the beryllium-10 anomaly may have occurred due to a change in Earth’s protection against interstellar cosmic rays or a nearby supernova event.

The discovery has significant implications for our understanding of the Pacific Ocean’s past, with potential applications in fields such as geology and climate science. Further analysis is needed to determine whether this anomaly is a regional or global phenomenon. The study was published in Nature Communications.
