Scientists Discover Water’s Unusual Double Phase Under Extreme Conditions

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego have discovered that liquid water can exist in two phases with different densities under extreme conditions – high pressure and low temperature. The discovery confirms a theory proposed in 1992 but was not tested until now.

Under pressure of 1,250 atmospheres and a temperature of -75°C, water separates into two distinct liquid phases: one with high density and the other with low density. This phenomenon was previously difficult to reproduce experimentally due to the complexity of water molecule interactions.

However, researchers used complex computer modeling based on machine learning and quantum mechanics methods to successfully recreate the effect. The calculations took almost two years to complete on powerful supercomputers like Expanse in San Diego.

While recreating this effect in laboratory conditions remains challenging, scientists hope that experimental methods will emerge to confirm the discovery. Understanding this phenomenon could lead to creating new materials with adjustable density, useful for absorbing pollutants or water desalination technologies.
