Seven Planets Align in February Night Sky

A rare alignment of seven planets will be visible in the night sky at the end of February, offering a unique opportunity for stargazers to witness this celestial event. The planets Venus, Mars, and Jupiter will be clearly visible with the naked eye, while Saturn and Mercury will appear near the horizon, making them harder to spot.

Astronomers note that these planetary alignments occur when multiple planets align on one side of the sun, and they can happen several times a year depending on the number of planets. Last June, a similar alignment was visible with just two planets, while six planets were seen in January this year.

To catch the event, observers should head outside on a clear night after sunset and look for the brightest objects in the sky. Mars will appear as a reddish-orange dot, and stargazing apps can help identify the positions of the other planets. The alignment will last until spring arrives, offering a brief but spectacular view of the celestial spectacle.
