A new study has found that setting daily goals can help dementia patients live longer by staying independent at home and avoiding hospital. The research, published in the Lancet Health Longevity journal, involved a trial of 302 dementia sufferers who participated in a six-to-eight remote lesson program called NIDUS Family. The program helped patients set important goals such as getting dressed, exercising, and completing household chores.
The study found that the NIDUS Family program can save nearly £9,000 a year per patient by avoiding hospitalization and reducing healthcare costs. With each patient receiving the program for £346, the cost savings are significant. The lead author of the study, Professor Claudia Cooper, suggests that this new therapy could be rolled out to support existing dementia care within the NHS.
The NIDUS Family program has been hailed as a “game-changing intervention” by experts, offering a cost-effective and realistic solution for people living with dementia. By providing tailored, personalized support to help patients achieve their own goals, this program offers hope for improving the lives of those affected by dementia.
Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-14407473/The-simple-ways-help-dementia-patients-live-longer.html