SMMUSD Revises PE Program to Require More Hours from Exempt Students

Student athletes at SMMUSD’s schools may soon face more stringent requirements if they opt out of mandatory Physical Education (PE) classes. The District is considering revisions that could require exempt students to spend more hours on their chosen sport or physical activity.

Currently, the Independent Study for Physical Education (ISPE) option requires 3.3 hours of physical activity per week from middle school and 10 hours from high school students. However, this may increase to 5 hours for middle school and 10 hours for high school students as the District aligns its program with state standards.

The changes come after a review by the California Department of Education (CDE) last year, which identified SMMUSD’s ISPE model as non-compliant. The revised requirements aim to bring the local program in line with neighboring districts’ practices.

Under the new rules, students participating in competitive sports programs must commit to “advanced levels of competition” and spend more hours on their chosen activity. Middle school students will need 5 hours per week, while high school students will require 10 hours.

Several parents have expressed opposition to the changes, citing concerns that they would reduce a student’s ability to participate in other elective classes. However, officials argue that the revised program is designed for elite athletes who spend extensive hours participating in physical education.

SMMUSD Director of Curriculum and Instruction Dr. Ashley Benjamin said the increased requirements reflect the nature of practice schedules for competitive athletes. “It’s in line with the practice schedule for organized High School sports,” she added.

The Board has approved the changes, which will be formally implemented at the March 19 meeting. Students will have until May 2 to apply for the ISPE program if it becomes available.
