A growing trend in modern dating has health experts sounding the alarm. Dubbed ‘snowmanning,’ this holiday behavior involves casual hookups that quickly turn into disconnection, often leaving participants emotionally drained and at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs).
According to a recent survey, 33% of Brits admitted to having casual sex during Christmas week. The rise in impulsive decisions has led to a significant increase in STI cases. In England, gonorrhoea and syphilis diagnoses have jumped by 7.5% and 9.4%, respectively.
Doctors warn that snowmanning can lead to more than just emotional fallout. Experts stress the importance of using protection and getting tested regularly, especially during high social activity periods like December. Those engaging in impulsive holiday hookups are advised to be proactive and seek immediate medical advice after unprotected encounters. Untreated STIs can cause serious health issues, including pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, and neurological damage.
As the festive season approaches, singles must consider the risks associated with casual flings. A 20% rise in STI cases is a stark reminder of the dangers of snowmanning. By taking precautions and prioritizing protection, individuals can minimize their risk of infection and maintain a healthy dating life.
Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/relationships/snowmanning-new-holiday-dating-trend-that-doctors-warn-could-lead-to-stis-and-emotional-fallout-101734424487419.html