Scientists have warned that a devastating solar flare is overdue on Earth, which could be more powerful than billions of atomic bombs when it hits the planet. The most accurate study to date has found that these superflares can cause widespread damage, including wiping out satellites and power grids.
According to researchers, these events occur once every 100 years, not the previously believed frequency of every 1,000 to 10,000 years. The study predicts that Earth will be hit by a solar flare releasing at least one octillion joules of energy, 100 times stronger than the 1859 Carrington Event.
If this were to happen, it could be devastating due to the world’s increased dependence on satellite communication networks. The power grids would be overloaded, satellites would be knocked out of orbit, global communication networks would be silenced, and aircraft would be grounded worldwide.
Researchers from the Max Planck Institute used data from 56,450 Earth-like stars observed by NASA’s Kepler telescope between 2009 and 2014 to make their predictions. They found that a superflare occurs roughly once every century, contradicting earlier assumptions. The study highlights the importance of monitoring the sun’s behavior and understanding its natural patterns.
The findings serve as a stark reminder of the sun’s potential power and the need for scientists to better understand and prepare for extreme solar events.