SoundHound AI Inc. (SOUN), a mid-cap value stock in the Computer Services industry, has received a high rating from Validea’s guru fundamental report using the Twin Momentum Investor model developed by Dashan Huang. The model looks for a combination of fundamental momentum and price momentum.
According to the report, SOUN scores 100% based on its underlying fundamentals and valuation, indicating strong interest in the stock. The strategy’s criteria include fundamental momentum, twelve minus one momentum, and final rank, all of which pass.
The Twin Momentum Investor model combines seven fundamental variables into a single measure to generate market outperformance. Dashan Huang, an Assistant Professor of Finance at Singapore Management University, identified these variables based on his research paper “Twin Momentum.” The model has shown that stocks in the top 20% of the universe according to this measure outperform the market going forward.
The high rating from Validea suggests that SOUN may be a promising investment opportunity. However, it is essential to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions.