South Korea’s acting president, Han Duck-soo, has been reinstated after a constitutional court dismissed his impeachment on Monday. The decision is expected to restore stability in the country, which was shaken by dual impeachments and protests. Han, 75, previously served as prime minister before stepping in as acting president in December following Yoon Suk Yeol’s impeachment over his attempt to declare martial law.
The Constitutional Court overturned or dismissed seven of Han’s eight impeachment charges, citing that they did not constitute serious enough violations to justify removing him from office. The court has yet to rule on Yoon’s separate impeachment case.
Han’s reinstatement comes as Seoul is experiencing protests ahead of an expected court ruling on Yoon’s impeachment. Han expressed gratitude for the decision and vowed to work with the opposition to address global challenges and ensure South Korea’s continued development.
With the Constitutional Court’s ruling on Yoon’s impeachment pending, a new presidential election will be held within 60 days if his impeachment is upheld, or Yoon will be reinstated as president immediately.