The Taliban’s refugee minister, Khalil Haqqani, was killed in a suicide bombing in the Afghan capital Kabul on Wednesday. The attack, carried out by ISIS, occurred when Haqqani was signing paperwork at the Ministry of Refugees compound. Six other people were also killed.
Khalil Haqqani is the uncle of Sirajuddin Haqqani, who leads the powerful Haqqani network, a division of the Taliban organization. The Taliban has blamed ISIS for the attack, calling it a “cowardly” act and a “faction that deceitfully professes Islam.”
The US had previously designated Khalil Haqqani as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist in 2011, offering a reward of up to $5 million for information related to him. He is also on the UN Security Council’s 1988 Sanctions List.
Tensions between the Haqqani network and the rest of the Taliban are due to differences in governing strategy. The Haqqani network has carried out major attacks during Afghanistan’s war, and its leaders fear that cooperation with western countries will antagonize their supporters. Despite this, some ministers in Kabul appear willing to engage with the international community.
The attack on Khalil Haqqani marks a high-profile casualty for Afghanistan since the Taliban returned to power three years ago. His nephew, Anas Haqqani, described him as “a very brave Mujahid” who will be remembered for his sacrifice.