The Psychology of Being Eight Minutes Late

The Psychology of Lateness
Why you should be eight minutes late, but not one more.

Key points:
There are some perfidious reasons for being late than mere mediocrity. Some involve anger and aggression, others self-deception. Being late can be a way to tell yourself something important.

When Is Late Late?
Being just five minutes late is not really late. Lateness starts when people get annoyed. They get annoyed because your lateness betrays a lack of respect and consideration for them.

The Psychology of Lateness
Being late insults others, but also undermines the person who is late. It may betray a lack of intelligence, planning, self-knowledge, willpower, or empathy. Being late can be due to unrealistic goals, overpacked schedules, or underestimated travel time.

Reasons for being late:
Anger and aggression: Angry people may express their anger through passive means like resistance to meeting others’ expectations.
Self-deception: Being late can be a way to impose oneself on a situation, attract attention, and take control. It can also be a form of resistance or disapproval towards the purpose of the meeting.

Learning from being late:
Whenever you’re late, ask yourself why. Often, we keep ourselves busy to avoid being alone with our thoughts and feelings. Being late can also be a way to avoid being left with nothing but oneself (thank God for smartphones).

Why eight minutes late?
Being exactly on time can catch out your host, while being early is just as rude. Being eight minutes late gives the host enough time to relax and look forward to your arrival.

Read more in Hide and Seek: The Psychology of Self-Deception.+