Tiny fragments of microplastics are entering our bodies through food and drink, with significant amounts coming from water. Scientists have discovered a simple way to remove these microplastics from water using boiling and filtering.
Researchers from Guangzhou Medical University and Jinan University in China tested the method on soft water and hard tap water, adding microplastics before boiling and then filtering out any remaining particles. In some cases, up to 90 percent of the microplastics were removed, although effectiveness varied depending on the type of water.
The good news is that most people can do this using items they already have in their kitchen. The method was more effective at removing microplastics from hard tap water, which naturally forms a build-up of limescale as it’s heated.
Even with soft water, roughly a quarter of the microplastics were removed through boiling and filtering. Any remaining particles can be removed using a simple filter like stainless steel mesh.
Past studies have measured fragments of various plastics in potable tap water, which we consume daily. To test the method further, researchers added even more nanoplastic particles, which were effectively reduced in number.
The study suggests that drinking boiled water could be a viable long-term strategy for reducing global exposure to microplastics. While it’s not certain how damaging these plastics are to our bodies, they have been linked to changes in the gut microbiome and antibiotic resistance.
The researchers hope that this method will become more widely used as plastics continue to impact our environment. They also want to see further research into how boiled water can keep artificial materials out of our bodies and counter some of the alarming effects of microplastics.
Source: https://www.sciencealert.com/theres-a-surprisingly-easy-way-to-remove-microplastics-from-your-drinking-water