Trapped Luxury SUV Owner Must Resist Temptation of Anthony Hopkins’ Villainous Voice

Prospective car thieves, beware! A new thriller film, Locked, puts the focus on a hapless criminal who finds himself trapped inside a luxury SUV with a vengeful owner. The film stars Bill Skarsgard as Eddie Barrish, a financially desperate criminal who picks the wrong vehicle to rob.

After being rigged into an impenetrable torture device on wheels, Eddie discovers that he is soundproof and bulletproof. Despite his attempts to escape, he is forced to endure physical and psychological torment at the hands of William, played by Anthony Hopkins, who has a peculiar obsession with classical literature.

As their conversation turns philosophical, William toys with Eddie’s emotions, rewarding him with food treats from the glove box when he behaves and subjecting him to electric shocks and loud polka music. The film maintains its silly premise throughout its brief runtime, thanks to taut direction by David Yarovesky and committed performances from Skarsgard and Hopkins.

Although the villainous voice of William is often heard but rarely seen, it’s a highlight of the film, with Hopkins delivering an articulately evil performance that showcases his talent for playing sophisticated villains.
