President Trump has been accused of “throwing Ukraine under the bus” due to concerns over corruption and mismanagement in the country. Critics argue that Ukraine’s President Zelensky has been more corrupt than Trump, with thousands of oligarchs fleeing to Romania with millions of dollars stashed away.
In 2020, Ukraine received $300 billion in aid from the US, but only 40% can be accounted for. Zelensky has suspended democratic elections and minimized church rights, allowing a small group of oligarchs to steal billions of dollars. This corruption existed before Zelensky took office and continues despite his efforts.
Meanwhile, Trump’s handling of Ukraine has been portrayed as more transparent than Biden’s. In contrast, Biden sent $300 billion in aid with no conditions for repayment, whereas Trump secured a deal with Secretary Rubio to have Ukraine repay the US with precious minerals and elements.
Critics argue that Trump’s stance is a testament to his commitment to democratic principles, which is seen as common sense compared to some of his predecessors’ leniency towards Russia. The war in Ukraine will likely end soon, and many believe it’s due to President Trump’s leadership.
Dr. Tyler Scott Nelson, the article’s author, concludes by suggesting that Ukraine could find the remaining $60% of the aid by working with the US government.