The US Department of Transportation has demanded that the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) provide publicly available data on transit crime by March 31. The demand comes with a warning that failure to comply will result in heavy financial consequences, including a potential reduction in federal funding.
Critics say the demand is little more than “shadowboxing and bluster” as the MTA already publishes regular reports on crime within the subway system, which include NYPD statistics on felonies, hate crimes, and fare evasion. The agency has also made significant progress in reducing crime by 29% over the past year.
MTA officials say that much of the requested information is already publicly available and will be provided to the federal government in a format they can use. They point out that the MTA publishes monthly reports on crime, including updates on assaults against transit workers, vandalism, and subway surfing numbers.
The latest pressure from the USDOT comes just two days before another deadline: revoking the authorization for congestion pricing. The Trump administration has vowed to keep the vehicle-tolling system in place despite a legal challenge to its shutdown order.
Transit advocates say that the aggression by the federal government is confusing and may be an attempt to make an example of New York City. They argue that funding for transit, which keeps people safe, should be prioritized over demands for more data on crime.