A 20-year-old Orthodox Jew, Yisroel Liebb, was subjected to a humiliating and violent encounter with US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents while traveling from Mexico to the US. The incident occurred on a United Airlines flight from Tulum, Mexico, to Houston, Texas.
According to Liebb’s complaint, he was forced out of an airplane bathroom by the pilot after remaining inside for 30 minutes due to constipation. When another passenger, Jacob Sebbag, checked on him, he found Liebb still in the bathroom. The pilot then asked Sebbag to accompany him and force Liebb out.
During this process, the pilot used antisemitic language, yelling at Liebb and making threats against his Judaism. He was also reportedly visibly enraged and broke the lock on the door to force Liebb out. Liebb suffered injuries to his head and legs as he exited the bathroom.
After landing in Houston, CBP officers arrested both Liebb and Sebbag, claiming they had “no rights here.” The agents subjected them to invasive searches, threw them into separate cells, and tightened the handcuffs on Liebb’s wrist. Despite not facing charges, the pair incurred additional costs due to their delayed flight.
Liebb and Sebbag are seeking damages in excess of $1 million, including attorneys’ fees, for the harassment and mistreatment they suffered at the hands of the CBP agents.
Source: https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-847120