US Life Expectancy Falls Short of UK’s Amid Growing Health Gaps

The US has dropped out of the top 20 happiest countries for the first time in history, according to the World Happiness Report. Meanwhile, a new report by the Bloomberg American Health Initiative reveals that life expectancy in the US is lower than in the UK, with an average gap of 2.7 years. The US life expectancy has declined over the past four decades, while the UK’s has increased.

Researchers attribute the widening gap to preventable causes such as cardiovascular disease, drug overdose, firearm-related homicide and suicide, and car accidents. These factors have contributed to younger people dying prematurely in the US compared to the UK. COVID-19 and cancer deaths are also a significant contributor to this trend.

Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein, director of the BAHI, emphasizes that preventable causes are the main reason for the gap. To reverse this trend, public health initiatives can focus on reducing cardiovascular disease, overdose-related deaths, gun homicides and suicides, teen suicides, and motor vehicle crashes. Sharfstein highlights the importance of using evidence-based solutions to scale effective interventions.

Key strategies include:

* Reducing cardiovascular disease through clinical and population-based solutions
* Expanding access to opioid treatment in community pharmacies and correctional facilities
* Limiting gun ownership through Firearm Purchaser Licensing and Extreme Risk Protection Orders
* Building a national community mental health infrastructure for teen suicide prevention
* Incorporating intelligent speed technology, enforcing penalties for impaired driving, and including hazard perception tests as part of driver licensing requirements

Sharfstein emphasizes that there is no good reason why Americans should expect to die nearly three years earlier than their UK counterparts. With evidence-based solutions, the life expectancy gap can be decreased, and public health can improve.
