A new study by researchers from Britain’s University of Cambridge has provided evidence that Venus likely never had water flowing on its surface. The research was based on data related to the chemical makeup of the planet’s atmosphere.
Similar to Earth, Venus is a rocky planet with a structure and size comparable to our own. Scientists have long considered whether Venus once held liquid water, even possibly large oceans. However, the latest study provides conclusive evidence that Venus has always been the hot, extremely dry planet it remains today.
The researchers examined the current destruction rate of molecules in water, carbon dioxide, and carbonyl sulfide in Venus’ atmosphere. They found that volcanic activity is linked to the state of the planet’s atmosphere. According to the team, volcanic explosions can provide information on the amount of water contained deep below a planet’s surface.
The study’s findings suggest that volcanic gases released on Venus were less than 6 percent water vapor, which implies that the planet’s interior must be very dry. This conclusion contradicts two leading theories on the history of water on Venus: one suggesting moderate climate conditions and liquid water for billions of years, and another proposing a hot planet from the beginning.
Lead writer Tereza Constantinou stated that the team did not find evidence of chemical removal being restored, providing strong evidence for a very dry interior. The study’s findings have implications for researchers searching for life beyond Earth, as they should focus on planets likely to support life.
Source: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/new-study-examines-whether-venus-had-liquid-water/7887493.html