Waist Circumference May be Better Risk Marker for Obesity-Related Cancer

A recent study of over 340,000 people found that waist circumference is a stronger risk marker than BMI for obesity-related cancer in men. In contrast, the association was weaker in women. The study, which followed participants for 14 years, recorded around 18,000 obesity-related cancers.

The researchers discovered that waist circumference is more reliable than BMI because it measures fat distribution, not just body size. Visceral fat, accumulated around abdominal organs, is more metabolically active and linked to adverse health outcomes.

A key finding was that men are more likely to store visceral fat, making waist circumference a stronger risk factor for cancer in this group. In contrast, women tend to accumulate subcutaneous and peripheral fat, which may explain why waist circumference had less impact on cancer risk.

The study’s authors suggest that including hip circumference into risk models could provide further insights, particularly for women. The combination of waist and hip circumferences may offer a better estimate of visceral fat in women than waist circumference alone.

Source: https://pharmacydaily.com.au/news/wc-beats-bmi-for-cancer-risk/114291