Waist Size in Men Predicts Cancer Risk Better Than BMI

A new study by researchers at Lund University has found that waist size is a better predictor of cancer risk for men compared to body mass index (BMI). The study analyzed the health records of 3,39,190 people between 1981 and 2019 and found that an extra 4 inches in waist size increased the risk of cancer by 25 per cent.

In contrast, BMI was less effective in predicting cancer risk. The researchers found that a similar increase in BMI, such as from 24 to 27, resulted in a 19 per cent higher risk of cancer. Additionally, excess abdominal fat was found to be more significant a risk factor for cancer than standard increases in BMI.

The study’s findings suggest that waist size measurement is more effective because men tend to store fat primarily in the abdominal area, which increases the risk of diseases. The researchers also highlighted that individuals with the same BMI but varying fat distribution and levels face differing risks of developing cancer.

Source: https://www.hindustantimes.com/lifestyle/health/waist-size-in-men-could-better-predict-risk-of-cancer-than-bmi-finds-study-extra-4-inches-increased-cancer-risk-by-101742789481372-amp.html