Water’s Hidden Phase Revealed in Groundbreaking Physics Discovery

Scientists have made a significant breakthrough in understanding water’s properties. Researchers at the University of California San Diego discovered that under high pressure and low temperature, water can split into two liquid phases with different densities. This finding could lead to the creation of synthetic liquids with unique properties.

The discovery was led by Francesco Paesani, who created realistic molecular models using machine learning techniques and algorithms. These simulations verified a theory that water would no longer remain homogenous beyond a certain temperature and pressure.

The critical point where this phase separation occurs is approximately 198 Kelvin (-103 Fahrenheit) and 1,250 atmospheres. At this point, water alternates wildly between the two phases, defying expectations.

Paesani’s team used a data-driven many-body model of water to simulate the behavior of water across its entire phase diagram. This approach allowed them to run simulations for several microseconds, a significant improvement over traditional methods.

The research could lead to the creation of porous liquids with unique properties, such as capturing pollutants or aiding in water desalination. The findings were published in the journal Nature Physics.

Source: https://www.earth.com/news/water-appears-to-have-a-secret-liquid-phase