Why Flight Risk Fails: A Tragically Disjointed Disaster

“Flight Risk” is a mess of bad casting, clunky humor, and a directorial style that doesn’t quite know what to do with himself. Mark Wahlberg’s pilot performance is a career-worst, Michelle Dockery struggles as a federal agent in a sitcom scenario, and Topher Grace plays a fugitive in a role suited for a Saturday morning cartoon. The movie’s inconsistent tone ranges from action-packed excitement to cringeworthy jokes, all while trying to mix thrills with bad jokes on Spirit Airlines. It’s like watching a hybrid of an airplane chase thriller and a terrible joke book. Wahlberg delivers his most surprising performance here, but even he can’t save this mess of nonsense. If you’re looking for an entertaining movie, forget about it—it’s a flight risk worth avoiding.

Source: https://apnews.com/article/flight-risk-movie-review-85c8c3ab59147fce4f82377b9a9b26bf