Why Time Seemingly Speeds Up as We Age

As we grow older, it’s common to feel like time is flying by. But why does this phenomenon occur? The answer lies in the way our minds process information. Our experience of time is highly flexible and subjective, influenced by factors such as the amount of new experiences we have and the vividness of our perception.

One major factor contributing to the feeling that time speeds up with age is the decrease in new experiences. As children, we are constantly exposed to novel sights, sounds, and sensations, which our minds process intensively. This abundance of information stretches out our sense of time, making it seem slower. In contrast, as adults, we tend to repeat familiar routines and experiences, processing less information and thus experiencing time passing more quickly.

Another factor is the way our perception becomes more automatic with age. As children, our surroundings are novel and vivid, requiring intense mental processing. As we get older, our environments become more familiar, and our minds become less engaged. This reduced engagement results in a decrease in information processed, leading to the subjective experience of time speeding up.

However, there is hope for slowing down the pace of time. By introducing new experiences into our lives – such as traveling, learning new hobbies, or meeting new people – we can increase the amount of information our minds process and thus expand our perception of time. Additionally, living mindfully by paying conscious attention to our daily experiences can also help slow down the passage of time.

In conclusion, the subjective experience of time speeding up with age is a common phenomenon that can be influenced by various factors, including the amount of new experiences we have and the vividness of our perception. By being aware of these factors and taking steps to introduce novelty into our lives, we can resist the natural process of time speeding up as we get older.
Source: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/out-of-the-darkness/202409/why-does-time-seem-to-speed-up-as-we-get-older