Astronomers have a treat in store for skywatchers this January, with several exciting events taking place during the first weekend of 2025. The Quadrantid meteor shower is expected to peak on January 4th, offering a respectable projected Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) of 80.
Contrary to expectations, the slender waxing crescent Moon won’t hamper observations, making this an ideal year for viewing the ‘Quads.’ Prospects favor the northern Pacific region at dawn, while North American and European observers can still catch a glimpse on January 3rd and 4th.
The Quadrantid meteor shower is caused by asteroid 2003 EH1 and has a similar source to the December Geminids. However, this event tends to be elusive due to cold temperatures, which may cut the observing window short.
On January 4th, Earth reaches its closest approach to the Sun (perihelion), with an 0.98333 AU distance at around 13:00 UT/8:00 AM EST. This event also coincides with a ‘Great European Occultation’ of Saturn by the Moon, favoring Europe at dusk.
The lunar occultation will take about 45 seconds to fully disappear behind the bright sunlit side, revealing a 39″ wide Saturn. Worldwide, skywatchers can see a close pairing on Saturn and the crescent Moon at dusk.
Astronomer Gianluca Masi is hosting virtual sessions this weekend to cover various events, including the Quadrantid meteor shower and Saturn occultation.
Get ready to embrace the cold as 2025’s astronomical year begins.