The New York Times Games has released its first Wordle Review for December 25, 2024, addressing puzzle no. 1285. This review is designed to accommodate two time zones and provide a spoiler-free zone for those who want to avoid seeing today’s solution.
To access the correct review, check your puzzle number on the Wordle website or mobile app. The difficulty of each puzzle is determined by averaging the guesses provided by testers, with an average of 3.8 out of 6 guesses, making it an “easy breezy” challenge.
The featured word for today’s puzzle is SHARE, a verb that refers to “a part or portion that belongs or is allotted to an individual.” Players who solved the word differently can refresh their page to access the correct solution.
After solving the puzzle, players are encouraged to join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #wordlereview and leave any thoughts they may have in the comments. The New York Times Games also provides helpful resources, including a Wordle Glossary, for those looking to improve their vocabulary skills.
In this review, we’ll provide hints and insights into today’s puzzle, with suggestions for consonants, vowels, and additional information about the featured artist, Christina Chung.