Wordle Review: HEFTY Puzzle Solved with Moderate Difficulty

The New York Times Games released a new Wordle puzzle on December 18, 2024, and it’s been solved by solvers worldwide. In this review, we’ll break down the puzzle’s difficulty and features.

**Puzzle Details**

Wordle is available at midnight in your time zone, with two reviews published daily based on Eastern Standard Time. The puzzle for Wednesday was revealed as HEFTY, an adjective meaning “weighty; heavy” according to Webster’s New World College Dictionary.

**Difficulty Level**

The difficulty of this puzzle was moderately challenging, averaging 4.7 guesses out of 6. This rating is determined by a small panel of testers who provide feedback on the puzzle’s consistency and potential issues.

**Solvers’ Feedback**

As of now, there are 57 comments in our review section, with solvers sharing their strategies and thoughts on the puzzle. If you haven’t solved it yet, feel free to refresh your page and join the conversation using the hashtag #wordlereview.

Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/17/crosswords/wordle-review-1278.html