Yellowstone Series Finale Review: Comfortable Predictability Reigns

The series finale of Yellowstone is a conclusion that delivers on its promise of comfort and predictability. While it may not be a shocking or groundbreaking ending, it’s a satisfying one. The show’s creator, Taylor Sheridan, wraps up the storylines in a way that feels authentic to the characters and the world they inhabit.

The episode starts with a lighthearted moment between Travis and his family, setting a tone for the rest of the series. However, as the finale progresses, it becomes clear that this is indeed the last episode of Yellowstone. While some may have been hoping for a more dramatic conclusion, Sheridan’s decision to keep things comfortable and predictable feels fitting.

Ultimately, the finale provides a sense of closure and completion to the storylines of the characters. It’s not an ending that will leave you feeling confused or unsatisfied, but rather one that feels true to the show’s tone and style.
