Zoe Saldana Speaks Out Against Karla Sofía Gascón’s Offensive Tweets

Actress Zoe Saldana has responded to the controversy surrounding her co-star Emilia Pérez, with whom she starred in the Netflix movie “Emilia”. The film, which was nominated for 13 Oscars last month, features Gascón playing a crime boss who enlists the help of Saldaña’s character to fake her death and undergo a gender transition.

Gascón has faced heavy criticism for old tweets that voiced offensive opinions about minority groups. The actor apologized in a statement, saying they “suffered all too well” from the pain caused by their past comments.

Saldana also expressed her disappointment with the situation, stating she doesn’t support negative rhetoric towards any group and values inclusivity and collaboration. Despite Gascón’s absence from a recent Q&A session, Saldana emphasized that the film’s message of love, respect, and curiosity continues to be powerful and important.

The actress believes that the story they told is one of change and forward progress for marginalized communities. Saldaña thanked those who still showed up to support the movie, despite the setback, and reiterates her commitment to spreading a positive message.

Source: https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/films/news/zoe-saldana-karlo-sofia-gascon-emilia-perez-tweets-oscars-b2690307.html